Guess what???? Scott is going to be a big brother!!! (That's what his shirt says and this was the best picture I could get of the shirt and its not totally legible)
So why the title of the post? Well July 6th is the day we found out. But its more significant than that. July 6th, 2009 is the day we found out we were pregnant with Scott. (I remember dates like this, I know its not his birthday but finding out is still a significant day for me. I remember the day Brian and I got engaged and remind him of it every year...I think he panics for a second thinking he is supposed to know, he's totally not, I will just always remember....I know, AWWWE right?!?!) So I can't say it's complete coincidence that we found out on the same day two years later. We had been thinking/trying to get pregnant again and when July 6th rolled around and I celebrated finding out about Scott (in my head, I'm not weird enough to like make a cake on this day or something, not that if someone did that I would judge them, I wouldn't) I thought, wouldn't it be so funny if we found on the same day. I wasn't technically "late" yet but I knew I was in the window where if I were pregnant the test would likely show up positive...and BINGO!
So that's the story of July 6th!
By the time we found out with Scott we were already 9 or so weeks which made the waiting to tell people game easier, this time around we were like maybe 3 weeks...yikes, that means a long time waiting. We of course told our parents right away (via facetime...Scott wore his shirt and we had him "show" it to them) but waited a while on everyone else. My first appointment with my midwife was a week and a half ago and she confirmed I was 14 weeks along and we heard the heartbeat for the first time....which is just as magical as with the first! At my next appointment we will be able to schedule the ultrasound to (hopefully) find out the sometime end of Octoberish! She gave me a due date of March 17th (holla for a St. Pattie's baby!!!!) but I prefer to just tell myself mid to late March as due dates are seriously rarely accurate and I think it puts far to much pressure on the mommy counting down to a specific day (maybe that's just me, I really was ready when Scott's due date rolled around, I think babies generally come when they are ready so I'm not pressuring myself this time around with an exact date).
We talk to Scott a lot about babies and being a big brother...he's like "yeah, whatev mom and dad". He does point out babies when we are out but I'm pretty sure we are not quite understanding the whole thing yet. We tell him that we will have a baby in our house soon and it will be his little brother or sister he says "beebee neigh neigh" I'm pretty sure he thinks he is getting a baby horse in March...hope he's not too disappointed!
We will keep everyone posted as the journey continues! Growing humans is pretty fantastic!