Its officially fall when you get school pictures back. One day i'll have to find the screen shots I took of the boys "outtakes" - Owen was not about picture day, trust me this is the best "smile" he gave, most of the rest of his looked like he was thinking "screw you camera guy".
Owen Kindergarten, age 5&1/2
Scott 1st grade, age 7&1/2
We went on the wild ride of the world series cheering on our Dodgers. It was so close, and so fun to watch. Please disregard Scott's giants shirt, although he's a die hard Dodger fan, he can't seem to part with his giants gear from this last little league season. Also Owen called it "the world serious" - I can't! HAHAHAHA!
After school playdates and meditation with soccer friends!
We have had some insane wind the last few weeks, which didn't give us a break even for soccer games. Hot windy soccer games are pretty miserable, but we made the best of it.
Sometimes our cousins even come watch, and then maybe we stop for a quick picture on the 1,300 dollar disco ball!
Special lunch date with this guy. Food is truly his love language, and pancakes for lunch made his little heart sing.
More "world serious". This particular night it was post swim practice, naked, having a picnic dinner on the living room floor.