Thursday, September 12, 2013

Presenting, for the first {or maybe second} time...

Their Royal Highnesses:  King Scott and Queen Delilah

Today was drop off day for Scott at school (I work one day and drop off the other).  And this picture was texted to me by Delilah's mom right before pick up (and posted on here with her permission).  She said they had been playing wedding for the last hour, and a royal wedding no less.   It looks like Scott isn't too happy about this in the picture, but I was informed later than he is not a grouchy husband but that he was just "cold in the shade" (its at least 85 degrees out...come on kid).  Delilah and Scott were in the same class last year and I'm quite sure that Delilah told Scott they were married last year as well.    He was less interested in playing along last year, but it looks like he enjoyed himself this year.

Today proved to be a much easier preschool day, at least for me.  We were up on time and I even had time to make fresh chocolate chip muffins for breakfast.  So glamorous right?!  Scott couldn't wait to get to school and dropping him off was a breeze.  The hardest part was convincing Owen to leave, he was just devastated he couldn't stay and play with his brother and all the amazing toys.  Good thing we were headed to a class for Owen (post coming soon).

At pick up Scott and Delilah had found their way to the river in the sandbox (we have a rad school ya'll!) and were about half soaked.  While I chatted with Delilah's mom they proceeded to get all the way soaked and Owen joined in on the fun.  Scott had already changed into dry clothes once after playing in the river earlier so both of my kids rode home naked!  I'd call that a successful preschool day!

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