Monday, June 21, 2010


In the latest issue of Pathways magazine (if you don't read it, find one or borrow mine...its GREAT!) Dr. Monika Buerger wrote an article about eating green/organic/sustainably etc. Great article! There were actually several great articles in this issue about organic eating etc. Dr. Buerger challenged readers to eat completely raw and organic just one day a week. I know that eating vegetarian or vegan one day a week is really good for the environment and sustainability but I like the challenge of eating raw and organic as well. In April, I decided to return to my pseudo-vegetarianism (I still eat some fish and occasionally eggs), I had started eating chicken again occasionally during pregnancy but was happy to give that up once Scott was born. I like the idea of vegan eating but quite frankly right now checking ingredients on everything I buy to make sure there are zero animal products in them, well its a bit daunting for me. So for now pseudo-veg it is! I think I will challenge myself to one day a week of completely raw organic eating! I feel that by writing this down I have officially accepted this challenge and that will some how hold me accountable (I'm not really sure how but let's go with it). Wish me luck and stay tuned!

1 comment:

  1. Good luck Charlotte! We Roys have moved to grass fed only meats, but I have only had eggs since pregnant. Most meats are giving me the willies - same thing happened while pregnant with Charlie. We do organic as often as we can though. You go girl!

