Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Glue 'n' Scissors...and bonus material

 The boys are enrolled in a once a week class all about animals (Thanks Mimi and Papa for the gift of this fun class, we LOVE it!)  Since my parents are traveling I promised I would take pictures and fill them in on details of the class.  Fail.  I finally remembered my camera on week 3 and then only took like 4 pictures...there are a few weeks left so maybe I will do a better job of documenting, but crafting with two 2 year olds and an infant strapped to your belly leaves Hilary and me with little capability of taking pictures.
 The boys are doing really well with listening and participating which makes me excited for preschool in our future.  It really makes me feel confident that Scott is ready!

Scott's favorite part of the class: SNACK!  Who's shocked?  He always asks for seconds (which is allowed) and I'm doing a decent job of not being overly paranoid about the gluten situation (a couple of weeks they have been served regular crackers (gasp, I know!) and skippy peanut butter (killing me!!!!) but I kept cool and allowed Scott to partake, the portions are very small and Scott does get gluten every now and then, and I try to reserve it for times like these, but skippy peanut butter, really? trader joe's organic unsweetened would have killed you? I digress.  And if you are a skippy user (like my husband) no judgements, but I implore you to read the ingredients....peanuts and a little salt, its really all ya need).

So here is a collection of crafts from the past 4 weeks (week 1: giraffes, 2: monkeys, 3: elephants, 4: lions), with many more to come.  The kids do 2-3 crafts each class, read 2-3 books about the animal of the day, have a snack of course, and then go outside for a game of some kind.  Its really quite fun!  Bonus: check out our new kitchen table!!! I kinda love it, and excited that its our first ever piece of furniture that we have bought (not that we don't love our hand me downs, but excited to furnish this place ourselves.)

Pretty proud of these!  Today was the lion and the bigger one on the right Scott drew circles in his eyes so well! (Maybe I'm a tad biased...)

 And tada- my partly completed pinterest burlap board.  I'm on the hunt for those metal pins for the edge.  Another giraffe from our class and then the boys did ghost footprints that says "trick or treat, smell my feet" (pinterest agin)

We have not been able to escape the sickies in the Campbell household.  Last week Scott set up this fort on the couch himself, went and got a blanket and was out for 2 hours.

I think this was his 3rd nap in 2012.  That's how you know your kiddo is not feeling well....

The boys have taken a liking to having baths together.  Scott's great about sharing tub toys, Owen just wants to climb out.  I think the baby tub has one or two more uses then back to the garage (unless you want it?  Holler at me, we got tons of baby stuff that's up for grabs!!!)

Super stoked to be in the bath with big brother!!!

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