Thursday, August 15, 2013

Changes on the horizon...

I am not the biggest fan of change.  Is this news to you?  Maybe, usually I can roll with the punches, and I feel like I'm usually up for a new adventure or challenge.  But I'm also a creature of habit and routine.  How do they coexist within me?  Beats me.  But I also feel like this is something that is probably true for most people.
But when it comes to major, life changes.  I'm a procrastinator.  No, worse, I drag my feet.  You know that feeling of making your whole body go completely limp and as heavy as possible (maybe when your parents were dragging you in from the car as a child and you were sleeping/not sleeping), that's what I do. 
So I find myself in the face of a major-ish change.  It feels a little like standing at the edge of a cliff.  Jump or get pushed?
I think it is probably easier to jump.  But I'm sort of a 'get pushed' kind of gal.  The best/worst part is nothing is really changing until the beginning of next year.  So I have time.  Time to prepare myself for the push.  Get my ducks in a row etc.  I mean isn't that the best case scenario, to know its coming so you can be totally prepared? But to me it kind of feels like slow torture.
Luckily I have an incredibly supportive husband who is excited for our new adventure, even when I'm not and/or I'm totally freaking out.  He is also incredibly organized and efficient (opposites attract) so we have lists of what we want, what we need and next steps.
Now I'm just trying to find a balance between excitement and stress.  And I'm hoping that since I have so much time to prepare for the inevitable "push off the cliff" that when that time gets here I will be ready to just jump.

And because its Thursday, and this entire post has to do with my work life, and it was five years ago today:
I give you graduation day.  Where the crazy journey ended, but really only began...

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