Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Quick as a Cricket

Scott's favorite FAVORITE book! We read it 20-30 times per day! I really enjoy it actually because I vividly remember this book from my own childhood! And he especially likes when you read it to him in character (read fast when you say quick as a cricket, slow for slow as a snail, loud as a get the idea). We alternate "Quick as a Cricket" with "Baby Says MOO" which is another favorite. Sometimes we can sneak in other books (Bert and Ernie's Opposites for one example). But mostly its the first two - over and over and over. Brian and I quote them to each other too. We used to quote funny movies to each its children's books and the random things Scott's electronic toys say ("It's learning time...ruff ruff!" "Ring around the corner, in my little tow truck, beep beep, honk, honk, I'm on my way!") Parenthood : )

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