Wednesday, May 1, 2013

"The whole story"

My brain gets a serious workout these days.  Scott is full of questions.  About everything.  All the time. I'm not complaining, I love his curiosity, I love his love of learning.
But oh my, this mommy has quite a time of coming up with some of the answers.  First and foremost he wants to know about superheroes.  All of them.

"Mom, what does 'the flash' do?  Tell me the whole story."

I have NO CLUE.  Which of course is an unacceptable answer. 

"Mom, what's lava?  Tell me the whole story about lava."

So I give a little shpeel about all things volcano.

"But why mom, tell me the whole story."

I try not to make up answers to his questions (especially if there is a right and wrong answer and I just don't know it) because I don't want him to remember something I made up and then use it as an answer say in school in the future and then be mad that I lied.  But there are somethings that just don't have answers.  Or specific answers.  Or right answers.

Sometimes it takes me a few minutes to think of the answer or phrase it correctly or completely make it up.  Oooooh the frustration that Scott feels when I don't tell him the 'whole story' immediately upon his asking.  This usually leads to yelling: "mom, tell me THE WHOLE STORY."

"Mom, are sharks teeth and T-rex's teeth the same?"

"No buddy, they are a little different than each other because they eat different things."

"What do they eat?  Tell me the whole story.  Tell me the whole story about teeth."

I mean 'the whole story about teeth' --- ?  Where do I begin.  Well we are born without teeth and then slowly our teeth grow in, but those are just our baby teeth.  Then we lose our baby tee......

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOO.  The WHOLE STORY.  About sharks and t-rex."

Ah geez.

The next time you hang out with Scott I hope you are wearing your thinking cap.

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