Thursday, September 19, 2013

Family Game

We used to play a family game over email, back before my parents moved, then we moved, then had a baby and, you know, life got crazy.  It was a really fun game.  One person would come up with a question, answer it in an email to everyone and then everyone would email their own responses out.  The asker would chooses their favorite as the "winner" and that person would ask the next question.  It was such a fun way to get to know family members I don't see often.  I miss the family game.  Let's start again guys?  Any takers?  In that spirit here is where we are at.  Scott just learned about the rescue bots (aka transformers) and is kind of obsessed.  I love playing with my kids, I do.  But its rescue bots 24/7 around here and every time I so much as walk into a room its "Mom, mom, moooooom, want to play rescue bots?"  And I only have so much rescue bot imagination stored up and I'm feeling tapped out on rescue bots.  I love his enthusiasm though!

So what game are you sick to death of playing?  Or if your kids are older what was it in back in the day that you just could only handle for so long before you though your head was going to explode from "rolling to the rescue"?

1 comment:

  1. My two are always playing "mystery" or "home" or "something-else-made-up". ALL DAY. I get asked to play, but don't know the right way to play/rules so (luckily?) they end up leaving me be since I can't "do it right". Whoa is me.

