Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Little by little

So I would totally love to decorate our whole house.  All at once.  But its been a year, and our walls are still blank, and we have lots of unfurnished places.  But a few weeks ago when my mom and I were treasure hunting at the Rose Bowl Flea Market I happened upon this loveliness for the boys' room.  Do you remember the maps that you to pull down in elementary?  Before computers and projectors and power point and ipads took over the world?  This is one of those.  From a school room in Germany no less.  RAD!  And it only sat in our garage for 3 weeks before we got around to hanging it up (this is a good thing, I have stuff that we've had for years that has never managed to be hung, this is no one's fault, its just he reality of the situation).  So its the only thing currently hanging in their room, but its a start.

**Also, Scott looks like he's 12 with all his 3.5 year old tall and skinniness.  Stop growing.

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