Monday, January 14, 2013

California snow suit

It's flippin' freezing here!  Temps below freezing over night and in the 30's and 40's during the days.  These California babies don't know what to make of this cold!  Plus its super sunny out so Scott cannot for the life of him figure out why I make him put on jacket, hat and shoes before we go outside (until we get outside and he realizes how cold it is).  And since we only get weather like this maybe four days a year we don't invest in the attire.  So my boys are wearing footie jams 24/7 layered with hoodies and beanies when we go outside.  And that my friends is a California style snow suit!
After this particular park outing pictured we came home for hot chocolate and for the first time ever Scott got marshmallows in his.  (If you are interested, for Scott I just heated up chocolate almond milk and he was none the wiser, still dairy free for this kid).  And it should be noted: I LOVE how Scott pronounces it "hot chic-witt".  So cute! Part of me wants him to never grow out of it, but I know he will, way too fast!
Happy winter!

1 comment:

  1. That's what we look like down here, seriously, fuh-reezing!

