Sunday, January 13, 2013

Superman's Mom

We play a lot of superhero around here lately.  Fun.  And hilarious.  Here is an example:  today Scott had on his superman jams (which he calls his batman jams) around 3pm (we are that family, don't judge).  He said "I'm batman, daddy is Superman and you are a rescuenaut." (astronaut, but sometimes he confuses that word with other things).  And I asked what Owen was, Scott said, "A Rhino".  So there you have it:  Superman, Batman, a rescuenaut and a Rhino....walk into a bar....

And just for my memory purpose Scott was trying to remember the words to "Slippery Fish" in the bathtub tonight and when we got to "octopus" he stopped for a second, thought, then exclaimed: "OH yeah, OCTOFISH!" LOL! For real!

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