Sunday, November 4, 2012

3rd & 4th...

Told ya I wouldn't post everyday.

Saturday the 3rd, I'm thankful for new friends.  We spent a beautiful fall evening cruising around Westlake on our new friends' boat and then had dinner together.  Its exciting to have friends close enough to walk to their house, kids the same age etc.  When we were making our plans we were discussing bedtime/fussy time for the babies and she commented it was nice that they weren't the only ones who let the kids call the shots. Amen.  Took the words outta my mouth!

Sunday the 4th, I'm thankful for Pathways club.  My colleague and I host a Pathways club at our office once each quarter where we discuss parenting and health with like minded mamas and loosely base our discussion on the most current issue of Pathways.  While we don't always have a huge turnout (which we are hoping to change and working on) it is always a fun time and I always leave excited, inspired, and eager to learn and teach.  Today was our last Pathways of the year and I got to spend 2 hours at my office with other moms and eat snacks and I left feeling like I make a difference somehow, however small it may be.  And with that, I'm also thankful for great babysitters who take good care of our munchkins when our work schedules are tight and overlap a bit!

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